Scott Russell Duncan

Scott Russell Duncan is a Xicano author, editor, and writing workshop director. His groundbreaking edited Chicano sci-fi anthology, El Porvenir, ¡Ya!, was a finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. He is the director of Palabras del Pueblo, a writing workshop for la raza. His story “How My Hide Got Color” (2016) won San Francisco Litquake’s Short Story Contest and his nonfiction, “Mexican American Psycho is in Your Dreams,” won first place in the 2019 Solstice Literary Magazine Annual Literary Contest. His novel Old California Strikes Back (FlowerSong Press 2024) mixes the reality of growing up mixed-raced with a fantasy tour of California with the head of Joaquin Murrieta. He is at work on a collection of short stories, Plurality.


Grace Díaz


Gina Duran