The Ever-Wondrous PUTINOIKA: Now a Fashion Design Collection in Roma, Italia!
The Bon Bon Collection’s PUTINOIKA Tray, inspired by "The Return of the Eternal Sardine" scene in the novel, features the Sardine in Gogol’s Coat.

Giannina Wins ASA’s 2024 Angela Y. Davis Life Time Achievement Award & PUTINOIKA Continues to Draw Crowds From All Over The World!
Giannina Braschi's new novel Putinoika is out and to rave Reviews and Terrific interviews!
Miguel-Angel Zapata reviews PUTiNOIKA: “Its light comes from an apparent chaos, a mirror of our time, written in a precise, profane, and sweetly convulsive language.” Latino Book Review
“Give me more Putinas, por favor: A Conversation with Giannina Braschi.” Sandra Guzmán interviews Giannina Braschi in World Literature Today