Wyatt Welch

Welch was kidnapped by their father, a haunted and troubled Vietnam War veteran, and so grew up on the Interstates in various vehicles to evade capture. These experiences contributed to Welch’s views of the United States in this volume of poetry, in which Welch questions the boundaries between the Self and the State.

Their recent work has been published in Aired, deLuge Literary and Arts Journal, the Metric, Mantra Review, the Ocotillo Review, Persephone's Daughters, and Anacua Literary Arts Journal. Their first book of poetry, Capitalism Calls Poetry Lazy, will be published in 2022 by Flower Song Press.

Welch earned their MA in Linguistics and African Languages at the University of Florida.

Capitalism Calls Poetry Lazy by Wyatt Welch



Edward Vidaurre


Brenna Womer