Sarah Joy Thompson

Sarah Joy Thompson is a Filipina-American author, who spent her childhood and teenage years in the Philippines doing humanitarian projects and missionary work with her family.

Her poems invite readers to reflect on love of family, the thrill of discovering oneself, and the circle of life – namely our connection to nature and its remote landscapes. Sarah’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in numerous anthologies and literary journals, as well as local newspapers. She is the author of two poetry collections: The Everyday, the Mundane, and the Brave (Finishing Line Press, 2019) and Driving into Black Mountains (FlowerSong Press, 2020).

Sarah adopted San Antonio, Texas as a city of residence and artistic inspiration when she moved across the Pacific Ocean in 2011. Seeing the world as a poem, Sarah finds pleasure in traveling, hiking, rock climbing, making music, and creating art with her husband and their inquisitive toddler.


Juan Tejada


Leticia Urieta