Raúl Sánchez

Raúl Sánchez is a Seattle-based author and mentor of bilingual poetry. His previous book “All Our Brown-Skinned Angels” published by MoonPath Press, launched his name into the roster of published poets. His cultural background allows him to use passages from his early life in México City and apply the lessons learned in his work. Since retirement, he has volunteered at the King County Juvenile Detention Center mentoring incarcerated youth through the PONGO method. His mentoring in the schools (WITS and Jack Straw Cultural Center), has been essential to his poetic growth because as he put it “The youth see the world differently than him,” therefore he learns from their outlook.Raúl is an avid spiral thinker, driving in a straight line then suddenly turning left or right, but never loosing the reader in the detour. Raúl is a self-taught poet who keeps on writing, teaching, helping the youth, and reading in public, allowing his voice to carry the words like dandelion fuzzies into the ears of those who listen. For more information please visit www.rsancheztlaltecatl.com and www.picturesofpoets.com.

When There Were No Borders. By Raúl Sánchez



Angelina Sáenz


Andrea Sanderson