Kathryn Silver-Hajo

Kathryn Silver-Hajo is an internationally published author whose work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fictions, Best Microfiction, and Best American Food Writing Anthology. Her work has been published in dozens of journals including Atticus Review, Bending Genres, Citron Review, CRAFT Literary, Emerge Literary Journal, Fictive Dream, Flash Boulevard, Litro Magazine, New World Writing, New York Times-Tiny Love Stories, Pithead Chapel, Ruby Literary, Rusted Radishes: Beirut Literary and Arts Journal, and The Phare. Kathryn’s work has been anthologized in “Flare: An Anthology of Chronic Illness Told in Flash Narratives” and “Potato Soup Journal: Best of 2022.”  Her flash collection Wolfsong (ELJ Editions) and her YA novel Roots of The Banyan Tree (FlowerSong Press) were both published in 2023.


Natalie Sierra


Kristine Esser Slentz