jo reyes-boitel

jo reyes-boitel is a poet, essayist, and playwright. Somehow born in Minnesota, her family calls Texas, Florida, Mexico, and/or Cuba home.

Recent and forthcoming publications include Scalawag Journal, Windward Review, La Voz de Esperanza, Chachalaca Review, Borderlands, The Americas Review, and Your Impossible Voice.

A recent working performance art piece called this body was presented as part of W-I-P (Work in Progress) at Jump-Start Performance Company and Palo Alto Theater. Previously, her directorial and writing debut of Nahual, a one-woman play, was presented at Palo Alto Community College in celebration of World Theater Day.

jo was the recipient of the Alfredo Cisneros Del Moral Foundation Award, granted by Sandra Cisneros, a long time ago.

You can find jo leading community-based writing workshops or co-curating This City Is A Poem, which highlights local and regional poets and provides writing prompts daily as part of National Poetry Month. She will be teaching “Notes to Gilgamesh: Crafting a Novel in Verse” this November at Gemini Ink.

Her new book, Michael + Josephine, a novel in verse, reimagines St. Michael the Archangel as a queer woman who begins a love relationship with Josephine, a disaster relief worker.


Luivette Resto


Dorotea Reyna