Robin Myers

Robin Myers

Robin Myers is a Mexico City-based poet and Spanish-to-English translator. Recent book-length translations include What Comes Back by Javier Peñalosa M. (2024), The Brush by Eliana Hernández-Pachón (2024), In Vitro by Isabel Zapata (2023), Bariloche by Andrés Neuman (2023), and Copy by Dolores Dorantes (2022). Other translations have appeared in Granta, The Baffler, Kenyon ReviewThe Common, Harvard ReviewTwo LinesWaxwing and elsewhere. A 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Translation Fellow, she was longlisted twice for the 2022 National Translation Award in poetry and among the winners of the 2019 Poems in Translation Contest (Words Without Borders / Academy of American Poets). As a poet, Robin is the author of the forthcoming Centro (Coffee House Press, 2026). Her poems have appeared in Best American Poetry 2022, Guernica, The Drift, Poetry London, Yale Review, Denver Quarterly, Annulet Poetry Journal, Massachusetts Review, and other journals. She is an alumna of the Vermont Studio Center, the Banff Literary Translation Centre, the Community of Writers, and Under the Volcano. She is represented by the Willenfield Literary Agency.


Christina Lux


Mauricio Novoa